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دانلود مقاله هاي انگليسي درباره كامپيوتر

مقاله شماره ۱

Computer games created by middle school girls: Can they be used to measure

understanding of computer science concepts?

Number of Pages:10


مقاله شماره 2

Optimization of drinking water distribution networks: Computer-based

methods and constructal design

Number of Pages:11


مقاله شماره 3

Modelling, abstraction, and computation in systems biology: A view from

computer science

Number of Pages:8


مقاله شماره 4

Trend Prediction for Computer Science Research Topics

Using Extreme Learning Machine

Number of Pages:11


مقاله شماره 5

Research on Training Mode of High-Level Innovative Talents

in Computer Science in Colleges

Number of Pages:5


مقاله شماره 6

Evaluation of brain-computer interfaces in accessing computer

and other devices by people with severe motor impairments

Number of Pages:10


مقاله شماره 7

Perception of students on services at the computer laboratory: a case

study at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia

Number of Pages:8


مقاله شماره 8

Cyprus international conference on educational research the effects

of computer asssited simulations of physics experiments on learning

Number of Pages:7


مقاله شماره 9

The effect of the aim and frequency of computer usage on student

achievement according to PISA 2006

Number of Pages:5


مقاله شماره 10

Contribution of a terminology centre in managing computer


Number of Pages:4


مقاله شماره 11

Computer simulations and clear observations do not guarantee conceptual


Number of Pages:14


مقاله شماره 12

Exploring regulatory processes during a computer-supported collaborative

learning task using process mining

Number of Pages:11


مقاله شماره 13

A survey of exemplar teachersrsquo; perceptions, use, and access of computer-based

games and technology for classroom instruction

Number of Pages:10


مقاله شماره 14

Attitudes to technology, perceived computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety as

predictors of computer supported education

Number of Pages:11


مقاله شماره 15

A systematic literature review of empirical evidence on computer games and

serious games

Number of Pages:26


مقاله شماره 16

The learning effects of computer simulations in science education

Number of Pages:


مقاله شماره 17

The big bang from an insiderrsquo;s view is

a riveting read

Number of Pages:1


مقاله شماره

Fostering mathematical thinking in the learning of multivariable

calculus through computer-based tools

Number of Pages:7


مقاله شماره 19

Continuance acceptance of computer based assessment through the integration of

userrsquo;s expectations and perceptions

Number of Pages:12


مقاله شماره 20

The effects of computer-assisted instruction on the achievement, attitudes

and retention of fourth grade mathematics students in North Cyprus

Number of Pages:10


مقاله شماره 21

The effect of emotional feedback on behavioral intention to use computer

based assessment

Number of Pages:12


مقاله شماره 22

Exploring the TPACK of Taiwanese elementary mathematics and science

teachers with respect to use of interactive whiteboards

Number of Pages:12


مقاله شماره 23

Group awareness, learning, and participation in Computer

Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

Number of Pages:6


مقاله شماره 24

The 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Computer and Cognitive Science Presented to Ruzena Bajcsy

Number of Pages:5


مقاله شماره 25

The Role of Computational Science and Emerging Technologies

in the Natural Sciences Education at University Level

Number of Pages:10


مقاله شماره 26

A Learning System for a Computational Science Related Topic

Number of Pages:10


مقاله شماره 27

Chemoinformatics: Recent advances at the interfaces between computer and

chemical information sciences, chemistry, and drug discovery

Number of Pages:1


مقاله شماره 28

Implementing computer-based assessment - A web-based mock examination

changes attitudes

Number of Pages:8


مقاله شماره 29

Replacing paper-based testing with computer-based testing in

assessment: Are we doing wrong?

Number of Pages:10


مقاله شماره 30

Design and development of constructivist multimedia learning

environment to enhance computer skills

for computer education learners

Number of Pages:6

نمونه سوالات درس شبکه

دانلود رايگان مقاله انگليسي درباره حسابداري+فناوري اطلاعات

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دانلود انواع مقاله های رایگان+مقاله های اموزشی

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